Leslie Jones is officially joining NBC’s team at the Rio Olympics

Over the weekend, Saturday Night Live and Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones revealed that she’s a huge fan of the Olympics, overhauling her entire social media presence with outpourings of support for the athletes and admiration for their accomplishments. It was, in a word, delightful. So delightful, in fact, that the executive producer of NBC’s Olympic coverage caught wind of her tweets and invited her to join the NBC team in Rio. Of course, this being the internet, it’s tough to tell when people are telling the truth and when they’re just screwing around “for the lulz,” so we had no idea if the offer was really real.

Today, though, Jones posted another message on Twitter revealing that she’s going to Rio:

NBC confirmed to Deadline that the whole thing is real, adding that Jones will be joining the other on-air correspondents at the Olympics later this week. Some of the less-exciting sports will still be going on (like tennis, ugh), but at least now the whole affair will be livened up by Jones’ enthusiasm.

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