Let Beyoncé guide you through Arya's journey to last week's Game Of Thrones

Let Beyoncé guide you through Arya's journey to last week's Game Of Thrones

[Spoilers for Game of Thrones season 8, episode 3.]

We’re halfway through Game Of Thrones’ final season and Arya Stark’s been the one to watch. She’s always been a key character, but this past Sunday’s episode served as a culmination of all the work we’ve seen her endure since first training with Syrio Forel. With great success, however, comes many doubters (especially if you’re a woman), so if you needed any further proof that she’s worthy of delivering the Night King’s deathblow, there’s a video for that. Also, it’s set to an epic rendition of Destiny’s Child’s “Survivor,” just to hit things home that much more.

Though uploaded last March, the fan-made video is currently making the rounds on Twitter. In it, we see everything Arya has gone through since being separated from her family following Ned Stark’s execution, from her grueling training in Braavos to her deft slaughters of Ser Meryn Trent, Walder Frey, and Littlefinger, which might be our favorite.

Williams herself had some doubts as to whether her character earned last week’s big kill, but she eventually came around to it. “When we did the whole bit with Melisandre, I realized the whole scene with [the Red Woman] brings it back to everything I’ve been working for over these past six seasons—four if you think about it, since [Arya] got to the House of Black and White,” Williams told Entertainment Weekly. “It all comes down to this one very moment. It’s also unexpected and that’s what this show does. So then I was like, ‘Fuck you Jon, I get it.’” And yes, yes she did. So, to the haters, the same sentiment we ascribe to to the god of death is appropriate to you as well: not today.

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