Let’s engage in wild speculation over who will play Doctor Strange

Name an actor you like.

Fine. I’ll go first. Matthew McConaughey, if only because it gives me an excuse to post this clip from Magic Mike again.

Good news! He’s on Variety’s newest short list to play Doctor Strange!

Okay, your turn. What’s that? Oscar Isaac? You’re trying to stump me, aren’t you?

Too bad! He’s also on the short list to play Doctor Strange!

Now it’s my turn. I pick….Jared Leto. No, that’s too easy. Ewan McGregor.

Ah hah! Tricked you! They’re both on the short list to play Doctor Strange!

Jake Gyllenhaal? Good guess. He could stand to wash the taste of Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time from the Internet’s collective mouth.

You’re right! He’s also on the short list to play Doctor Strange!

Uhm, wow. My turn. This is getting more difficult…Ethan Hawke?

Awesome! He’s also on the short list to play Doctor Strange! Seriously, that one was just a lucky guess!

Okay, now your last guess. Go on.

Joaquin Phoenix? Wait a second, something tells me you’re not taking this game very seriously at all. I know, it’s just—“insiders” say a casting announcement is coming “very soon,” so I wish you would treat this with a little more gravitas. Whatever. Fine. Here’s some real superhero movie news.

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