Let The Right One In... with the wrong subtitles

Fans of the Swedish coming-of-age/vampire melodrama Let The Right One In have been known to become more than a little obsessed with the film, quoting lines and raving about certain scenes and generally acting as evangelists for LTROI. And thank goodness for those fanatics, because without them, the news might not have broken that Magnolia's new DVD of Let The Right One In is something less than, well, "right." RobG, writing on the website Icons Of Fright, has noted countless examples of where the subtitles have been altered between the theatrical release and the DVD release. Illustrating his case with screengrabs, RobG argues that Magnolia has opted for a sloppier, duller translation, losing a lot of the original's dark wit and character-building in the name of making the story—in every way—plainer. Given that much of the appeal of Let The Right One In is in its spooky, washed-out look—which hasn't changed—the movie is still worth a rental. But fans and neophytes who were considering buying the DVD may want to hold out for a while, and see if some other home video company will restore the good translation.

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