Let's Get Excited About Things That Had Very Limited Releases!

It's the early afternoon on a very slow Monday, and the Golden Globes–with its promise of endless rounds of Dreamgirls acceptance speeches–looms before you. You turn to the Internet looking for a brief respite from all things faux-Supremes-related, and what does the Internet give you? Clip after clip of Jake Gyllenhaal in a wig on Saturday Night Live. "Aren't there other movies to parody? Other recent pop cultural touchstones?" you wonder, trembling. "Why the hell do I know who Jennifer Hudson is? Why have I seen the word "Dreamgirls" more than my own name over the past few weeks? Isn't there something else for people to get excited about?"

Well, evidently, not really. But there is this clip of Mike Judge's Idiocracy (something that the A.V. Club, at least, has been excited about) to pass the time.


(clip via BWE.tv)

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