Liam Gallagher hits rock bottom, has to make his own tea

Liam Gallagher hits rock bottom, has to make his own tea

Far from his chart-topping days as the frontman of Oasis, Liam Gallagher is now forced to suffer the worst indignity imaginable for a British rock star: being forced to make his own goddamn tea. In a recent viral clip from BBC’s Backstage Music Pass, Gallagher laments the state of the music industry and his current financial woes while he begrudgingly fixes himself a cup in the green room tent of a music festival. The reason for this one-time international rockstar’s fall from grace? Those dang kids downloading tunes, of course.

“Now in the ’90s I got someone else to fucking do it, but now I can’t. Fucking money is tight. Too tight to mention. Got to do it yourself, haven’t you?” said Gallagher, before detailing the four-man tea operation he and the boys used to have back in the day. One can only imagine the perks that came along with being one of the “fucking little idiots” who helped Liam Gallagher boil water backstage at his stadium shows, but those days are long behind us. “No one buys records these days… these fucking little smartasses download fucking tunes for nish. And they wonder why there’s no real rock ’n’ roll stars around—’cause this is the shit you got us doing, fuckers.”

As pointed out by the keen-eyed observers at Spin, it turns out Gallagher wasn’t even making himself a cup of tea in this clip, but was instead mixing up a turmeric and lemon juice concoction that’s meant to help with a hoarse voice. This remedy didn’t appear to be effective during his recent solo set at Lollapalooza, but maybe he was distracted thinking about all those damn youngsters and their streaming music services. Regardless, our thoughts and prayers are with Liam Gallagher during this trying time.

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