Liam Neeson to star in Watergate thriller Felt

Maybe hoping to inject some gravitas into a movie with a title that wouldn’t be out place attached to a biopic of Kermit The Frog, the producers of the upcoming Watergate thriller Felt are in talks with Liam Neeson to play the title role. (That’s Felt as in Mark Felt, the FBI agent who admitted in 2005 to being “Deep Throat,” the informant who served as a key resource for reporters Woodward and Bernstein as they investigated the crimes committed by the Nixon White House.)

The film is being written and directed by Peter Landesman, stepping away from conspiracies centered on the truly powerful—as in his recent film, the NFL-focused Concussion—in favor of mere presidential felonies. Landesman is also producing on the film, alongside several others, including Jay Roach, Ridley Scott, and Tom Hanks. Presumably, they approached Neeson—who recently signed on for a couple more movies where he shoots some dudes in the head, because capping European terrorists is apparently like eating Pringles—for the role after someone took six seconds to ask, “Hey, who would sound good growling ‘Follow the money’ from a darkened parking garage?” and then knocked off early to have a drink.

[via Variety]

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