Liam Neeson will not be in The Hangover II after all

Liam Neeson’s crucial role of “distracting celebrity cameo that will also remind everyone that Mel Gibson was supposed to be here” has been cut from The Hangover II, according to director Todd Phillips. Nothing personal this time—it’s just that Neeson was unavailable to do reshoots of his scene as a tattoo artist (presumably the one who gives Ed Helms the Mike Tyson homage on his face), having already decamped to London to work on the Clash Of The Titans sequel. So instead, Phillips replaced Neeson entirely with Nick Cassavetes, having “really loved him in Farticus.” No, he didn’t actually say that, but did you know Nick Cassevetes was in a movie called Farticus? He was. With Abe Vigoda and Richard "Bull from Night Court" Moll. Anyway, so much for the “distracting celebrity” element, unless that report that Bill Clinton also scrapped his cameo turns out to be a diversion.

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