Life imitates art, still fails to be a pizza, as Adam Scott accidentally makes a calzone

Life imitates art, still fails to be a pizza, as Adam Scott accidentally makes a calzone

The late, lamented Parks And Recreation never lacked for running jokes, but one of our favorites centered on the culinary habits of hapless public servant Ben Wyatt. As played by Adam Scott, Ben was relentlessly teased by the people of Pawnee for his love of the calzone, the delicious baked treat that’s basically a pizza folded in half. That dedication to Neapolitan cuisine explains why Parks And Rec fans have been so delighted by a series of pictures that Scott tweeted out yesterday morning:

And while we have to worry that Scott will now be haunted by all of Ben’s other obsessions—could a bad run-in with a winter sports complex, or an overly elaborate board game be lurking in his near future?—for now, we’re just happy to see him back on the highway to the calzone zone once again.

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