Life Imitates The L-Word

Last night was the season finale of The L-Word, a show that I continue to watch because Passions is on during the day, and it doesn't have nearly enough hand-sex.

Anyway, a lot of melodramatic and totally implausible things happened. At least, I thought they were implausible, until I started reading the news today (by "news," I mean "gossip blogs and other fun trash.") Turns out, life is beginning to imitate art––and also The L-Word.

For Example: Old Women Are Getting Pregnant, To The Horror Of Those Around Them

In The L-Word season finale, Kit (aka Pam Grier, aka the only straight female character on the show) revealed that she was pregnant, despite talking about going through menopause the entire season (and even writing a song about it).

In real life, London's Evening Standard reported that Demi Moore is pregnant, despite the fact that she is 43 years old, and plastic-surgeried within an inch of her life/uterus. Attractive People Are Dressing Up Like Flappers, And Pretending It's Normal

In The L-Word season finale, Jenny attended Shane and Carmen's wedding dressed like a flapper, complete with fur stole, pin curls, and just the right amount of crazy.

In real life, Keira Knightly attended her 21st birthday party also dressed like a flapper, complete with fur stole, pin curls, and (for some reason) a pig mask.

Eric Roberts Is A Jerk, But He Gets Away With It

In The L-Word season finale, Eric Roberts played Shane's estranged father: a cad who cheats on his wife, but is charming enough to get away with it time and again.

In real life, Eric Roberts is kind of a jerk. (Why else would he be in the upcoming Mo'nique movie Phat Girlz?) But he keeps getting away with it, and having a career. I don't really know how he does it, but I suspect it has something to do with his love for his beloved horse, Silk.

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