Lifetime thirsts for more teen vampire and Robert Durst movies

Lifetime announced two new projects today that will cover the network’s old hallmarks: wronged women and hell-raising teens. First up is a film about Robert Durst, subject of HBO’s The Jinx. Durst is currently awaiting trial for the murder of Susan Berman, his confidante, but he was also once a suspect in his wife Kathy’s disappearance. You may recall that he seemed to confess to the murders during the filming of HBO’s documentary, but this new film won’t dramatize that off-camera moment. According to Deadline, it will follow the story through Kathy’s eyes, and borrow from Matt Birkbeck’s A Deadly Secret: The Bizarre And Chilling Story Of Robert Durst. Linda Berman (it’s not clear if there’s a relation) will produce with a script from Emmy nominee (for Bessie) Bettina Gilois.

Deadline also got the scoop on a film about a different kind of monster—Lifetime’s ordered up an adaptation of Sarah Beth Durst’s (no relation to The Jinx) Drink, Slay, Love. The YA novel follows Pearl, a 16-year-old vampire who, after she becomes a daywalker, prepares to serve her fellow teens (well, the human ones) up to the Vampire King. But all that fresh sunlight has planted the seeds of a conscience in Pearl, and she ends up torn between her commitments to her friends and family—you know, just like any other teen in a Lifetime movie. The FostersCierra Ramirez has been cast as Pearl, and Perfect High’s Vanessa Parise will direct. And Bella Thorne, who will soon wrestle with UVA allergies of her own, is set to produce.

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