Lil Wayne having a pretty awesome time in prison

Those—like Eminem—who have demanded that the nation “Free Lil Wayne!” from his Rikers Island incarceration will be heartened to know that the rapper is at least using his time productively. In a recent letter to fans, Lil Wayne says, “Let me be the first to tell you that the lyrics that I’m writing are… well, there’s no word that I can think of that properly defines them. Amazing would be too typical and perfect would be unfair.” Sounds like he’s really getting a lot done in there! In fact, it sounds like he’s having a pretty awesome time in general, in that “maybe we’re the ones who are in prison” kind of way:

"I wake up around 11 a.m. Have some coffee. Call my kids, and my wonderful mother. I then shower up. Read fan mail”… After that, the hip-hop star has lunch, gets back on the phone, reads a book or jots down his thoughts. After dinner, he makes one more trip to the phone and does some push-ups. "Then I listen to ESPN on the radio. Read the bible, then sleep. That's my day.”

You know, outside of the bleak accommodations, the forced separation from loved ones, and the constant threat of violence from guards and fellow prisoners and all that, prison sort of sounds like a really great writers’ retreat. Is it weird we’re kind of jealous? Oh well. Back to work, everybody! [HT to]

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