Lily Collins won't star in the Evil Dead remake after all

It’s only been a couple of weeks since it was announced that the Diablo Cody-ed Evil Dead remake would likely be anchored by Lily Collins—erstwhile “Phil Collins’ daughter,” unwitting hostage (of Taylor Lautner’s acting) in Abduction, future casualty in the coming Snow White war—and now it’s suddenly off. Variety’s Jeff Sneider revealed the news over Twitter this afternoon, saying Collins had dropped out over a “scheduling issue” without further elaboration, only that Collins is, apparently, going to be busy that day, whatever day it is they wanted to begin filming an Evil Dead remake. “Agents, start your engines,” Sneider concludes, cruelly urging Hollywood’s agents to commit mass suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning. Anyway, if only there were a Phil Collins album that summed up his daughter’s reaction to the project in such a way that we could link to it and then get out of writing a clever concluding sentence. Sayyyyyyyyy.

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