Lily Rabe is returning to American Horror Story, will play a serial killer

Entertainment Weekly is reporting that Lily Rabe will be returning to American Horror Story for this year’s hotel-based season. Rabe appeared in all of the other seasons, but her role in Freak Show was relegated to a short cameo as a not-yet-possessed-by-Satan Sister Mary Eunice, her character from season two. Her last real role came in the Coven season, in which she played a Stevie Nicks-obsessed witch. In case anyone’s not aware, American Horror Story is a super weird show.

For Hotel, Rabe will be playing a “famous murderer,” but we’re not sure if that means she’ll be playing a real-life murderer who is famous or a fictional murderer who is famous within the context of the American Horror Story universe. Honestly, it could go either way with this show. She could even be a famous murderer in the sense that Lady Gaga is a famous singer, as in people see her on the street and say, “Hey look, it’s Lily Rabe, the famous murderer.” Either way, we’ll find out what’s going on when American Horror Story: Hotel premieres on FX in October. Or, more likely, we’ll find out a few months after that when the show starts trying to explain the weird things happening in its spooky hotel.

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