Lindsay Lohan fends off Amanda Bynes' challenge to her reckless driving ranking with new hit-and-run arrest

In what is shaping up to be their very own version of a Gumball Rally, Lindsay Lohan reasserted her reckless driving dominance over challenger Amanda Bynes this morning, scoring a new hit and run in New York at around 2:30 a.m. According to TMZ, Lohan was driving at "a very low speed" in her Porsche Cayenne on the way to the Dream Hotel (like all little girls fantasize about doing someday), when she allegedly clipped a male pedestrian in the knee, spurring him to call the cops. Lohan was arrested for leaving the scene of an accident—though naturally, there are already conflicting reports over whether she or anyone in her entourage were aware of the incident before police arrived to detain her, as well as implications that the pedestrian was likely exaggerating his "injury" in an attempt to set her up.

Nevertheless, Lohan was actually booked and released, so her official arrest puts her back atop the reckless celebrity driving standings, despite Bynes' many recent attempts to unseat her. In this light, Lohan's recent Twitter musing over why Bynes hadn't yet been arrested seems less like her lamenting that she's been treated unfairly, and more like a taunt—her version of a green flag challenging Bynes to a race around the world, hitting people.

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