Lindsay Lohan on her new TV project: “I’m back, bitches”

Lindsay Lohan is one of those celebrities who keeps popping up even though she hasn’t had a project in quite some time, give or take a recent guest spot on The View and a brief appearance on 2 Broke Girls a few years ago. Her last foray into reality television, Lindsay on Oprah Winfrey’s OWN network, was a painful look at her formerly high-glam life as she quarreled with her various assistants (even Oprah herself told Lohan to cut the bullshit).

Now there’s a new effort that might be more successful for Lohan, especially since her efforts to involve herself with The Little Mermaid and a prospective Mean Girls reboot haven’t quite panned out. CNN reports that prospective series The Anti-Social Network fits into Lohan’s comfort zone: social media, where she has over 15 million combined followers. In this reality contest, Lohan will take over someone’s social accounts for 24 hours and involve them in three challenges. If they complete these challenges, they win prizes. Like a lifetime supply of Lindsay Lohan jeggings (we assume).

The Anti-Social Network is being shopped around for distribution, but no takers yet. On the upside, at least that weird new accent Lohan recently adopted appears to have disappeared.

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