Lindsay Lohan says she was almost in The Avengers

When putting together a superhero team, you need to cover a lot of bases. You need the heroic and selfless leader, the strong green guy, the guy who doesn’t have any real powers but is useful in other ways, and the red-haired actress/former drug addict. If Lindsay Lohan is to be believed, she almost filled one of those roles in The Avengers.

As reported by MTV, Lohan told the story on a recent episode of her reality show, Lindsay, that she had told her manager she wanted a part in Marvel’s big-budget superhero extravaganza. Apparently her manager didn’t “push” hard enough, and the part was given to an “unknown.” MTV figures that, since Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow and Gwyneth Paltrow’s Pepper Potts appeared in earlier movies, the most likely option for Lohan would’ve been the film’s only other notable female, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Maria Hill. Of course, this is assuming that Lohan would consider How I Met Your Mother’s Cobie Smulders—who played Hill—an “unknown,” which might be a stretch.

If the story is true—and it’s not like we have any reason to doubt Lindsay Lohan—we think it’s a bit unlikely that she would’ve been considered for a part as big as Maria Hill. If anything, she could’ve played the waitress Captain America talks to in this deleted scene. Or maybe that Stan Lee guy who always pops up in these movies.

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