Lionsgate hopes to make more Twilight movies, a TV series—whatever it can get

Refusing to let a little thing like a fully exhausted storyline get in the way of maximizing profits, Lionsgate CEO Jon Feltheimer recently hinted to the L.A. Times that he would like to see the Twilight Saga continue beyond the upcoming Breaking Dawn Part 2, which Feltheimer believes is only the “finale” in the sense that it officially concludes the story—and not, more importantly, the ways in which he can make money off of Twilight. Feltheimer made his intentions clear shortly after it was announced that Lionsgate had acquired Twilight studio Summit, saying, “It's hard for me to imagine a movie that does $700 million-plus doesn't have ongoing value” in response to whether he wanted to see more from the whole reason he bought the studio in the first place.

“The simple answer is ‘Boy I hope so,’” Feltheimer added, charmingly pretending as though he were just another fan longing to linger forever in the sullen embrace of Edward and Bella, instead of the chief executive who will force his company to consider every option for making it happen—even including a TV adaptation. “I would certainly hope so,” Feltheimer said of that last possibility, like it would be unthinkable to consider not adding an actual small-screen Twilight to the many copycats already on the air, just because it would be a pale imitation of an already slight series without any of the original cast that managed to make it a hit in the first place. Because to deny Lionsgate that chance would be to deny hope, and if Lionsgate no longer has hope, then all is lost. Except for the proceeds it will continue to make from Twilight sales otherwise, and from its similar upcoming young-adult franchises The Hunger Games and Ender's Game. But mostly it would miss the hope.

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