Listen to approximately 20 seconds of the new Arcade Fire album

Listen to approximately 20 seconds of the new Arcade Fire album

If you’ve been waiting since 2007 to hear new material from the Arcade Fire, you’re sort of in luck: Here are two preview "snippets" of tracks from the group's forthcoming, as-yet-untitled album. “The Suburbs” backed with “Month Of May” will reportedly be the first single—due for release “in the next couple of weeks,” according to the Arcade Fire website—and you can check out approximately 10 seconds from each song right now, which we recognize is just plain irritating and more than a little pointless. But other than reading the following words in this sentence, it’s the only way you’ll be able to ascertain that “The Suburbs” features piano and acoustic guitar, and “Month Of May” features loud, distorted guitar. [HT to Spin]

A. The Suburbs

AA. Month of May

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