Listen to Noel Gallagher rip apart Oasis videos

Listen to Noel Gallagher rip apart Oasis videos

An intrepid YouTube user named nutsngum2 (a person after our own Simpsons-loving hearts, apparently) has assembled the best bits of Noel Gallagher's commentary on the Time Flies: 1994-2009 video collection, and it is pretty damn hilarious. Gallagher was never once to mince words when it came to his band or any other, so it's fun to watch him trip down memory lane—especially the parts of memory lane that he either doesn't remember or outright hates. "I hate videos. I hate everything about them," he says at one point. "This is fucking nonsense. Is this a real video?" he asks later. And when a latter-day Oasis video pops up, he advises: "If anybody's listening to this at home, you'd be advised to go mow the garden or something, because this goes on for fucking ages." [h/t to Telekinesis and Guardian Music]

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