Listen to this surprisingly good Men At Work and M83 mashup

Listen to this surprisingly good Men At Work and M83 mashup

On the surface, Men At Work’s “Down Under” and M83’s “Midnight City” have little in common. The former is a jaunty early-’80s hit that introduced plenty of Australian slang into the pop culture vernacular, while the latter is the centerpiece of 2011’s electronica totem Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming. When combined, however, the songs are something else entirely. Mighty Mike’s “City Down Under” mashup plucks Men At Work frontman Colin Hay’s vocals (and the song’s lawsuit-causing flute line) and grafts them onto M83’s moody synth washes, resulting in a deeply melancholic, lonely piece of music. As the below YouTube clip reveals, even the songs’ videos form a surprisingly cohesive story line when combined.

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