Los Angeles, win tickets to the Capitol Studios anniversary celebration / WAX Record Fair

Last fall, we had an opportunity for our readers to win tickets to the first ever Wax Record Fair in Los Angeles, the “Comic-Con for the music industry.” This May 21 and 22, the fair returns for its second installment, even bigger and better than before. Coinciding with the 60th anniversary of Capitol Studios, the event invites casual music fans, serious collectors, and industry insiders alike to the Capitol Records Tower in Hollywood for a celebration of all things vinyl and the founding of the iconic recording studios. In addition to the record fair’s artist signings, industry panels, and record label booths, attendees are invited to attend a guided tour of Capitol Studios—a rare, exclusive glimpse inside the walls of a musical institution. Tickets for the event can be purchased here.

If you’re in the Hollywood area and would like to check out the event for yourself, the kind people at the Wax Record Fair are again giving A.V. Club readers a special opportunity to go for free. For your chance to win a pair of weekend passes to the event, simply send an email to [email protected] with the subject line “Capitol Studios.” On May 11, we’ll select two winners from our eligible entires and notify them via email shortly thereafter. Retail value for the prize is $100.00. Additional information about tickets can be found at the Wax Record Fair website with more official event details below.

With 2016 marking the 60th anniversary of Capitol Studios, the iconic staple name in music will open its doors for a one-time-only 2-day event (May 21st and 22nd) featuring a series of rare tours, intimate demonstrations and merchandise commemorating this exciting milestone. Enthusiasts will have the chance to see inside the walls of the iconic Studios and hear captivating stories about the endless legendary sessions that have been recorded here over the past 60 years. Proceeds from this event will help Capitol Studios continue its involvement in various not-for-profit initiatives, including support for music through education.

Capitol Studios has also partnered with Caroline Distribution and WAX Record Fair to host the 2nd installment of their record-collecting culture event for vinyl enthusiasts on site. A variety of artists will be on site to perform DJ sets, sign records, and meet fans. A list of participating artists and vendors will be released prior to the event. WAX will once again include vinyl-themed panel discussions, featuring music industry professionals and artists. In addition to record and record-related vendors, WAX will now feature multiple food vendors and a beer garden for those 21+. WAX is an all-ages, family-friendly event.

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