Los Campesinos!: We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed

Los Campesinos!: We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed

Los Campesinos magnificently prove that youth
isn't always wasted on the young: We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed is the British band's
second album this year, following up the unstoppably energetic, endlessly
entertaining Hold On Now Youngster. Unsurprisingly, it's mostly more of the
same—which in this case is a high compliment. The two releases will
inevitably be compared, and the edge goes to Youngster, but just barely. Beautiful is the product of
sessions with producer John Goodmanson (Sleater-Kinney, Blonde Redhead) that
were aiming to get some good B-sides together, but clearly the songs and more
muscular recording couldn't be relegated to that fate; instead, they're being
released as a limited-edition deluxe CD/DVD/badge/booklet set—charmingly
perfect for a band obsessed with K Records' twee-yet-rough-edged DIY style.

But all of that is less important than the songs,
of course, and this new pack is smart, immediate, and anthemic in the way only
bedroom-pop fanatics can muster. The title track is one of the band's best yet:
It's a layered, glowing display of that intersection between total confidence
and utter self-doubt. Singer Gareth Campesino (no, that isn't his real last
name) is an ace wordsmith at just 22, and the song climaxes with the
sing-along, "We kid ourselves there's future in the fucking / but there is no
fucking future." There might not be for Los Campesinos—energy this bright
can only burn for so long—but hopefully it'll remain this amazing while
it lasts.

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