Louie, Girls, This American Life, and a bunch of stuff you didn’t watch won Peabody Awards

The George Foster Peabody Awards, which are awarded annually to stuff that is actually good and only occasional popular (okay, they're for "distinguished achievement and meritorious service by broadcasters, cable and Webcasters, producing organizations, and individuals"), were handed out today, with some of your favorites—Louie, Girls, This American Life—taking home life-sized solid platinum statues of Peadbody himself. (Or, like, a certificate. I don't know.)

There's no ranking among the Peabodys; they're simply awarded by University Of Georgia committees for general excellence. As usual, there are a handful of documentaries, radio shows, and individuals. The odd man out this year seems to be Lorne Michaels, who probably would've just gotten the ol' "Lifetime Achievement Oops We Should've Given This To You Sooner Award" if that was still on offer. Other notably A.V. Clubby things that were honored include Southland, the cop show that you absolutely should be watching but aren't, and Michael Apted's long-running documentary series Up, the latest of which is 56 Up. For a complete list of Peabody honorees, go right here. Oh yeah, Doctor Who won, too.

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