Love: Celebrity Style

It's Valentine's Day!

Don't you wonder what the most popular, or at least the most reachable-by-phone celebrities are thinking about love and romance today? No? Well, anyway, VH1 and MTV put together a few lists.

Highlights include:

Jada Pinkett Smith saying that her husband once seduced her with a trail of rose petals, candles, and a hotel room––proving that Will Smith's idea of romance is about as inspired as his Men In Black II song, "Black Suits Comin' (Nod Ya Head)"

Harry Connick Jr. for the '00s, Michael Buble revealing "I've watched sexy people do sexy things in front of me. Wow!!! Now that I think of it that way, it kinda turns me on. Grrrrr baby!!!!" (Apparently, his interview was conducted over IM.)

And, Joe Simpson shunning the musical contributions of both of his daughters in favor of Barry White. (Though he must have been restraining himself from mentioning how sexy Pizza Hut Pizza Bites can be when they "pop right into you".)

Elsewhere in the blogosphere (sorry), Richard Simmons reveals his true feelings for you (yes, you), and America's strong and sensitive TV journalist Anderson Cooper writes, "Someone told me that women are having their vaginas rejuvenated," thereby winning the unoffical "Best First Line Of A Blog Post" contest, but leaving us with so many unanswered questions. (Like "Who is this someone?" and "What else did they tell you about women?")

Oh, and there's also this creepy montage of celebrities gazing at one another here, if you're into that kinda thing.

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