Lupita Nyong’o and Gwendoline Christie join Star Wars: Episode Maybe VII Female Characters

Answering at least one of the cries surrounding the initial casting announcement of Star Wars: Episode VII—that it had a mere two female characters, when everyone knows the Star Wars universe has at least two more women in it—Lucasfilm has today officially added Lupita Nyong’o and Gwendoline Christie to that distinguished lineage. Who they will be the silent, briefly glimpsed handmaidens to has not yet been confirmed, nor has it been announced whether they will be given a chance to perform a sexy slave dance before being eaten by a cave monster. Or, perhaps afforded the slightly more dignified opportunity to point to some maps while male pilots talk over them, all cocky-like.

But for Nyong’o, at least, it’s the culmination of months of rumors that the 12 Years A Slave actress could follow her recent Oscar win and rapid ascension by joining the franchise, where she could at long last achieve every actor’s dream of being on an electric toothbrush. Christie is something of a surprise, as the Game Of Thrones actress—also recently cast in the final Hunger Games—was completely absent from any of that speculation, possibly because no one wants to talk any shit about Brienne of Tarth. (P.S. Twitter already made the “Brienne Of Darth” joke.)

In any case, Christie knows about treading into realm of fiercely protected fantasy sagas and swinging swords around, which should adequately prepare her for whatever role Star Wars has in mind. Like maybe she could swing a lightsaber around and into the hand of Luke Skywalker, so he can go out to save the day.

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