Lupita Nyong’o doles out goat-fucking advice on Billy On The Street

Lupita Nyong’o doles out goat-fucking advice on Billy On The Street

Lupita Nyong’o is an Academy Award-winning actress whose roles have required her to convey extreme emotional and physical distress. But can she “bring the pain” à la Chris Rock? That’s what Billy Eichner wants to find out. In a new segment of Billy On The Street, he equips Nyong’o with stand-up bits from the likes of Bob Saget, Andrew Dice Clay, and Daniel Tosh, and sees how well they go over with random people. Turns out you can remain stone-faced when Nyong’o advises against fucking a goat.

Now Nyong’o’s making a good effort here, but she’s not giving it the full Julianne Moore, the gold standard for celeb appearances on Billy. Still, we wouldn’t rule out comedy entirely for Nyong’o; she was great as Maz Kanata in The Force Awakens, an often funny part. Maybe she should just write her own material.

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