Luther creator to write Escape From New York remake

Setting the stage for debate over whether Idris Elba is “too street” to play Snake Plissken—a trick question, because there is no such thing—according to The Hollywood Reporter Luther creator Neil Cross has been hired to script the remake of John Carpenter’s 1981 dystopian action classic Escape From New York. Plans for a remake have been bouncing around for nearly a decade now; after being abandoned by New Line in 2011, the project was picked up again by producer Joel Silver in 2013, and has since fallen into the hands of Andrew Rona and Alex Heineman, two ex-employees of Silver’s who started their own company last year, so they totally get the whole “rogue” thing.

No one has been hired for the lead role as of yet, but—assuming Cross’ script saves the President and makes it out of Development Hell within 24 hours—whoever does sign on to play Snake has a big eyepatch to fill. Carpenter, generally known for not really giving a shit about remakes of his movies, cares about this one, taking the time to draw up a contract stating that the character of Snake Plissken not only must always wear an eyepatch, but he must also “always be a badass.” So, Idris Elba then?

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