Macaulay Culkin’s Pizza Underground made an actual video

Mere days after Macaulay Culkin quipped that he plans on starting a cat-themed Billy Joel tribute act named Pussy Joel, his current joke band, The Pizza Underground, released its first video. The video, which director Adrian Arredondo tells Vice is based on the visual aesthetic of The Velvet Underground’s “I’m Waiting For The Man,” was filmed on VHS, allowing for tracking bars to cut across walls adorned with pizza slices and pepperoni pieces, as the band works through a section of its 9-minute medley of Velvet songs with the lyrics altered to be about pizza.

Vice—which compiled a surprisingly thorough behind the scenes reportclaims that the video shoot was rather grueling, noting that all those day-old pizza slices affixed to the walls made the room “smell like ass.” But apparently, even being repulsed by pizza is not enough to stop The Pizza Underground. The band has announced that it’ll be going back on tour in early 2015—but, and take our word for it, it’s probably best to skip it.

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