Macklemore’s “Thrift Shop” gets a “ruffing awesome” shelter-dog parody in “Pet Shop”

Macklemore’s “Thrift Shop” gets a “ruffing awesome” shelter-dog parody in “Pet Shop”

Macklemore And Ryan Lewis’ skronky ode to secondhand clothing, “Thrift Shop,” has been sitting pretty atop the Billboard Hot 100 for three weeks now, so it should come as no surprise that the YouTube parodies have been pouring in. But until now, those parodies, not to mention the original, have suffered from a tragic dearth of doggies. Enter “Pet Shop,” a new song and video from Pet Collective under the name “Barklemore.” (D’aw.) Slightly reminiscent of the mangy used fur coat Macklemore wears in the “Thrift Shop” video, Barklemore is a shaggy white lump of fur rapping (ruffing?) about the joys of being adopted, getting some new tags and sniffin’ around his new home. Also, he gets to ride in a DeLorean, which is pretty ruffin’ awesome. [h/t Jezebel]

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