Mad Max’s “Hey girl” is a more feminist version of that Ryan Gosling meme

For years, Ryan Gosling has prompted the internet’s attention with his sexy face/bod/demeanor and a simple “Hey girl” followed by feminist theory, or just something nice and encouraging, as told by the attractive but sensitive type. Mad Max’s “Hey girl,”on the other hand, ditches the theoretical for the type of action-packed feminism found in George Miller’s film. There’s very little dialogue in Mad Max: Fury Road; more often than not, it’s Max’s actions that demonstrate his obvious belief that women are equal and should have equal rights. Putting those actions into words highlights and reifies just how feminist the film is.

Plus, it’s an internet-ready mashup of “Hey girl” and the active feminism of Mad Max.

Check out the feministmadmax Tumblr page for more.

[via Mashable]

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