Mad Men's January Jones frightens children

The upcoming season of Mad Men will welcome its third child actor to play young Bobby Draper, necessitated by Jared Gilmore’s at last escaping from Kiernan Shipka’s shadow and decamping to ABC’s Once Upon A Time. Upon his departure, Gilmore recently offered some words of warning to whatever once-innocent boy takes his place as the mostly superfluous Draper: “Be careful around January [Jones],” he told TV Guide, echoing similar comments made by people like Zach Galifianakis. “She's not as approachable as the others. She's really serious about what she does. Everyone else is so nice.” Upon hearing yet more accusations that she is cold and cruel, Jones casually laughed it off as the fleeting fancies of darling children, children whose bones will one day be ground to make her bread. [via Gawker]

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