Madonna covered an Elliott Smith song in the name of artistic freedom or something

Madonna covered an Elliott Smith song in the name of artistic freedom or something

Yesterday, Madonna unveiled secretprojectrevolution, a 17-minute film/desperate late-career footnote created in conjunction with VICE and intended to be the tip of a spear called Art For Freedom, an "online global initiative to further freedom of expression." Also: "to help fight oppression, intolerance and complacency." All of that seems delightfully ignorable, though her performance last night at a launch party for the project wasn't: In the video below, you'll see Madonna performing Elliott Smith's "Between The Bars," after having been escorted to the stage by prison guards. This is apparently a protest of the prison system (because, y'know, "bars"), and there's no doubt it will cause major change in the prison-industrial complex. Because if there's one thing guaranteed to start a social revolution, it's a 55-year-old pop star mangling a gorgeous ballad, aided by an interpretive dancer wearing a ski mask. [h/t to]

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