Maisie Williams crashed a Game Of Thrones viewing party

Of Game Of Thrones’ giant ensemble, Maisie Williams a.k.a. Arya Stark is far and away the best when it comes to using social media (although Pedro Pascal is giving her a run for her money). Her media mastery includes posting weird reaction videos on Vine, documenting her friendship with Sophie Turner a.k.a. Sansa Stark, and even occasionally vlogging on her own YouTube channel. And the benefit of all that is when Williams does something cool we get to hear about it in her own words.

For instance, just before the Game Of Thrones season six premiere Williams—and/or someone at HBO who thought this would be cute PR—decided to surprise a group of fans at their viewing party. And the entire process played out on social media.

Though it might seem obvious that she would be part of the surprise (especially because she just appeared in a video where she pranks fans at a gaming store), she tried to create a cover story about HBO wanting to send out swag to fans.

But as many probably suspected, that was all a ruse. Williams herself was the main event, along with some potato chips she bought at the store beforehand. Naturally, she documented the entire evening in detail on her Instagram page.

To be honest she’s done most of the reporting here for us, captioning her photos with details on setting up the surprise, shopping for snacks, and meeting the party guests. All that remains to be seen is whether or not she decides to vlog about the night too.

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