Man continues quest to cover "Enter Sandman" as every other metal band with Iron Maiden version

Man continues quest to cover "Enter Sandman" as every other metal band with Iron Maiden version
Screenshot: Börje Unchained!

Finnish YouTuber Börje Unchained! is hard at work to make a very specific dream come true. That dream, perhaps inspired by the long and distinguished lineage of people covering Metallica’s “Enter Sandman” in every conceivable way, is to hear other metal bands perform versions of the track in their signature styles.

Earlier this week, Börje debuted the latest manifestation of this noble quest: “Enter Sandman” but played like an Iron Maiden song that never was. In the video, each part of the track, which now gallops along in signature Maiden style, is performed by Börje wearing the band members’ faces as paper masks. He and the guest vocalist he eventually found to supply an excellent Bruce Dickinson impersonation get it so right, it’s easy to imagine that the cover is actually a long-lost B-side from Iron Maiden itself.

Börje also covered “Enter Sandman” in the style of a Slipknot song in the past. In the second version of that video, too, he recruited a guest vocalist to sing on the track. The only inconsistency with the format of his Maiden video, which is especially odd given he’s channelling Slipknot, is that Börje doesn’t perform each part while wearing a mask.

“‘Enter Sandman’ in what band’s style next?” a text overlay on the Iron Maiden video asks viewers at one point. Commenters have already suggested Tool, Ozzy Osbourne, Megadeth, Rammstein, and Baby Metal, providing more than enough inspiration to make Börje’s dreams—dreams of more Metallica covers, dreams of liars, dreams of dragon’s fire—come true.

[via Rolling Stone]

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