Man launches Kickstarter campaign to make Kenny Loggins play his living room

Continuing Kickstarter’s slow evolution into an entirely irony-based enterprise, a man named Erick Sanchez has launched a crowdsourcing campaign to have Kenny Loggins to play his living room. Loggins, the artist who created the musical potato salad that served as the side dish to many an ’80s blockbuster, is apparently willing to fly to Sanchez’s home in Washington, D.C. and play an acoustic “private jam sesh” for a group limited to 50 guests—“per Kenny’s people,” Sanchez adds, suggesting these terms have actually been negotiated. But first, Sanchez needs to raise $30,000, an asking price that seems rather steep, until you consider that Kenny Loggins really, really doesn’t want to sit in a room with a bunch of ironically donating Archer fans yelling, “Danger Zone!” And for good reason.

So far, Sanchez has raised a mere $320 of his goal from two individual backers, who, for that price, could have purchased seven tickets to see Kenny Loggins and his Blue Sky Riders in concert tomorrow night, at the lovely Temple Theatre in Saginaw, MI. That show would have featured all of Loggins’ hits like the aforementioned “Danger Zone,” “Footloose,” and “I’m Alright” performed in a full band setting, in a place where concessions are readily available (cash only).

By contrast, Sanchez guarantees no such concessions, even at the minimum $300 donation level. All he has are seats in his house and a pandering appeal to patriotism: “Don’t do it for me. Don’t do it for Kenny. Do it for America,” he says. Even that’s probably ironic.

Meanwhile, the cost of not bothering Kenny Loggins remains $0.

[via Death And Taxes]

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