Man...Or Astro-Man?: Live Transmissions From Uranus

Man...Or Astro-Man?: Live Transmissions From Uranus

If you're the sort of masochistic, monastic,self-deprivation-loving, or fun-hating person who only owns one Man…Or Astro-Man? album, then Live Transmissions From Uranus is the one to buy. Man…Or Astro-Man? is a group best enjoyed live, and this recording was made in one extra-frenetic evening at The Covered Dish in Gainesville, Florida. In addition to the spectacular surfin' space-spy instrumentals for which it's known, the group actually sings—the theme from Mystery Science Theatre 3000, for starters, and a soulful version of "Destination Venus," the most heartbreakingly beautiful geek-love song ever. The band members actually sing damn well, too, while the recording quality is perfect, the band-crowd banter is fairly witty, and there's plenty of the B-movie sampling that's become the group's trademark. It's not as good as seeing Man…Or Astro-Man? live. But it's the best recording the band has ever put out, and no one's going to stop you from spilling beer all over yourself in the privacy of your foam home of the future.

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