Man shares his ass with Aziz Ansari, David Cross, Zach Galifianakis

The human body has been a subject of fascination for artists for centuries. French post-impressionist Paul Cézanne is known for his beautiful depictions of nude bathers, Italian painter Sandro Botticelli has been acclaimed for his interpretation of the goddess Venus, and even Pablo Picasso once painted scantily clad prostitutes from Barcelona.

Now, in the 21st century, not much has changed. Well, except we all have cameras on our phones and would rather share photos of our food, nails, and pets. But that’s not Jeremy Levenbach’s style. He’s stepping up everyone’s Instagram game with his rear-heavy account. The amateur model has been been spreading his derriere for the past three years all over the country. You know, for the sake of modern art.

Naturally, the whole project started as a joke. Even his bio asserts “I look silly naked.” Still, there’s something incredibly pleasing about seeing a grown man strip down in front of popular tourist destinations and stand-up giants like Aziz Ansari, David Cross, and Zach Galifianakis.

Of course, rear-shots are still crude and inappropriate for some. (Probably the same people who haven’t gotten over seeing Richard Gere’s rump in American Gigolo.) “Naked butts (at least my butt) are polarizing,” Levenbach told Mashable. “Most responses that I get (from friends and strangers) are positive, but there are folks (friends and strangers) that very much dislike it.”

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