Mandy Moore stares down a hungry horde of sharks in this 47 Meters Down trailer

It’s been a long time since movie theaters were packed with films about young people getting viciously ripped apart about sharks, but after last year’s The Shallows and this year’s upcoming 47 Meters Down, perhaps we’re entering a shark renaissance of some sort. Granted, The Shallows wasn’t very good and 47 Meters Down‘s PG-13 rating doesn’t instill a lot of confidence about the film’s ability to produce a lot of bloody carnage, but maybe somebody will remake Jaws in a few years and everybody will be really hyped on sharks again. Anyway, here’s a trailer for the aforementioned 47 Meters Down, which features Mandy Moore and Claire Holt getting stuck on the ocean floor while sharks gingerly circle around them, waiting for the perfect opportunity to chomp down on one of the stars of TV’s hottest drama.

47 Meters Down comes from director Johannes Roberts, and it will be in theaters on June 16.

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