Mannequin Pussy strips down a Rilo Kiley classic in this exclusive cover from a new compilation

Mannequin Pussy strips down a Rilo Kiley classic in this exclusive cover from a new compilation
Marisa Dabice of Mannequin Pussy Photo: Athanasios Paul

The influence of Rilo Kiley extends far beyond the band’s decade-plus existence. Countless acts in the intervening years following the breakup of Jenny Lewis’ former group have acknowledged the effect the smoothly engaging indie-rock outfit had on their music—and now, some of those bands are paying tribute in a much more explicit manner. No Bad Words For The Coast Today: The Execution Of All Things Covers Comp, out November 6 through Bandcamp, is a reimagining of Rilo Kiley’s landmark 2002 Saddle Creek release, as performed via covers by Sad13, Diet Cig, Adult Mom, and more. And today, exclusively on The A.V. Club, you can hear the latest single from the record, a stripped-down reworking of the title track from raucous punk group Mannequin Pussy, sounding far more low-key than usual.

Taking a break from the band’s usual assaultive rock noise, this take on the song employs a much more minimalist arrangement, forgoing the original’s swooning mass of orchestration for something more DIY and intimate. Of the song—and of her fandom for Rilo Kiley, Mannequin Pussy’s Marisa Dabice had the following to say: “Rilo Kiley is the kind of band that can trance me into musical amnesia. By that I mean I can obsessively listen to their discography for months forgetting that all other music exists and then—as though someone placed a curse on me—for a brief period of time I forget they exist. It’s a rare gift because when I remember how much I love them, it feels like discovering them again for the first time. That sense of wonder for the songs never goes away—no matter how many times I’ve gone through their albums.

“I’m awestruck by Jenny’s gift for prose and poetry and her expressive voice, Blake’s tremendous capacity to create “noodly” riffs that never sound cheesy but that always perfectly complement and elevate every song,” Dabice continues. “Listening to this band you can sense the collaboration. Collaboration between talented people can create magic and that’s what they are to me—musical magic.” Best of all, if you pre-order the album from now through November 6th, all of the proceeds will be donated to G.L.I.T.S., a NYC-based non-profit, social justice, advocacy and service organization addressing the health and rights crises faced by transgender sex workers.

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