Marc Maron finally gives in and just interviews himself

Poking fun at—or confirming the darkest suspicions of—everybody who’s ever accused him of using his high-profile celebrity interviews as a way to talk about himself, stand-up comedian and podcaster Marc Maron has released a new video where he finally interviews the man who’s both his biggest fan and most implacable foe: stand-up comic and podcaster Marc Maron.

Intended as a teaser for his upcoming special More Later on Epix—“A TV network that exists!”—the video uses some trick photography to see Maron sit down across from himself… And then treat him the way he does all of his other interview subjects, interrupting, ignoring, and demanding to know if “We good?” It’s a nice reminder that, for all the jokes about his neuroses, cats, and self-involvement, Maron’s still a smart, self-aware guy, and it might be enough to push viewers to try to figure out what the heck Epix is—hint: Epix is a TV network, kind of—by the time the special airs on December 4.

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