Margo Price has performed the gentle, acoustic version of "WAP" we all knew was coming

Margo Price has performed the gentle, acoustic version of "WAP" we all knew was coming

When a song as big as Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion’s “WAP” comes along, it’s only a matter of time until people get to work transforming it into every possible genre of music. Still, it’s a little surprising to see just how quickly we’ve moved from ridiculous internet remixes of a huge pop song to the inevitable slow, sad acoustic guitar covers this time around.

The breakneck speed of the process is thanks to The Daily Show With Trevor Noah, which recruited Margo Price for a segment on double-standards in music about sex that emphasized its point by making “WAP” into an incongruous country ballad.

At three and a half minutes into the clip, Noah and Dulcé Sloan discuss “WAP” and, after talking about how unfair it is that men are applauded and women are condemned for celebrating sex in their music, air a broadcast of Price playing the track from her home to show how different the song sounds performed by a white country singer.

Price’s version keeps all the lyrics, but slows it down and turns it into something way more depressing in the process. Like every “clever” open mic performance from the mid-aughts, the acoustic version is kind of funny in how jarring lines like “head game is fire, punani Dasani” or “ride on that thing like the cops is behind me” are when sung in an anguished voice over gentle strumming, but it’s also extremely dumb, no matter how talented the artist performing it may be.

And yet, we’re glad it exists. The mournful acoustic cover of “WAP” was inevitable. It had to happen eventually because it’s too obvious a joke to pass up. Since it was only a matter of time, we’re glad it’s Margo Price putting her all into the cover rather than some goofball half-assing it on YouTube.

[via Rolling Stone]

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