Marion Cotillard replaces Natalie Portman in that Macbeth movie with Michael Fassbender

It was reported back in May that Natalie Portman was set to play Lady to Michael Fassbender’s Lord Macbeth, scheming to have him usurp the Scottish throne amid grisly murder after grisly murder of the Scottish accent. Unfortunately, as with their planned pairing on the Western Jane Got Her Gun, it wasn’t meant to be: Portman has already been out-damn-spotted and replaced by Marion Cotillard who—among other movies where she channeled the necessary desperate, psychotic energy—will bring to the role her experience playing Edith Piaf, the singer who similarly became the queen of Paris by killing half of the people in it, until she was permanently stained pink with their blood. (“C’est la vie en rose,” Edith Piaf would laugh, dripping blood everywhere.) Also, Cotillard is from France, so close enough.

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