Mark Hamill wishes Luke and Han could’ve had more time together

Unlike a lot of actors who are involved in hugely popular and successful movies, Mark Hamill has made it abundantly clear in recent years that he loves being a part of Star Wars. He knows how important Luke Skywalker is to people because Luke Skywalker is also important to him, and because of that he tends to have a unique perspective on the Star Wars movies. Case in point, while initially reading through the script for The Force Awakens, Hamill had a great idea for a way Luke could finally make his much-teased introduction that probably would’ve been a lot more dramatic than him silently standing on a mountain.

This comes from Fandango’s Erik Davis (via The Hollywood Reporter), who spoke with Hamill during Star Wars Celebration this weekend and asked if Hamill was disappointed that Luke and Han didn’t get a chance to reconnect in The Force Awakens. In a word, yes. In more words, he had an entire third act planned out that would’ve sidelined Finn and Rey so the original gang could’ve spent more time together:

Oh sure, it might not have lined up with what J.J. Abrams wanted to do with his movie, but it certainly would’ve been nice to see Luke, Han, and Leia together in a Star Wars movie one last time.

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