Mark Ruffalo is Ryan Reynolds' dad (in a Netflix movie about time travel)

Mark Ruffalo is Ryan Reynolds' dad (in a Netflix movie about time travel)
Mark Ruffalo Photo: Amy Sussman

It’s been months since we heard about Ryan Reynolds’ time travel movie for Netflix, which we learned back in April will be about a guy who goes back in time to stop some villain, interacting with both himself as a teenager and his now-deceased father along the way, and now The Hollywood Reporter has the scoop on the rest of the film’s surprisingly famous cast. For starters, Mark Ruffalo will be playing Reynolds’ father, a “brilliant physicist” of some kind, with a kid named Walker Scobell playing young Reynolds in what is apparently his “first professional gig.”

Catherine Keener will also be there, playing a bad guy who stole “powerful technology” from Papa Ruffalo, with Alex Mallari Jr. playing her villainous sidekick. Zoe Saldana and Jennifer Garner will also be there, but THR doesn’t say who they’ll be playing. Maybe regular-age versions of themselves in the past and then (slightly) older versions in the Ryan Reynolds present? Not enough movies pull that Back To The Future gag with actors playing themselves at different ages.

Anyway, we also now know that the movie is called The Adam Project, which sounds more like a Mythbusters spin-off than a funky time-travel movie, and it’ll be directed by Shawn Levy—who previously worked with Reynolds on Free Guy, a movie that would’ve been out by now if not for this dang pandemic.

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