Mark Ruffalo’s Instagram offers a behind-the-scenes look at Thor: Ragnarok

Mark Ruffalo has previously described Thor: Ragnarok as “an intergalactic buddy road movie with Banner and Thor.” Now the prolific Instagram user has created quite a nice portrait of the film’s off-screen camaraderie as well. The third Thor film is currently filming in Australia and Ruffalo has been sharing photos of the process in honor of his last day on set:

Ruffalo brings his signature laid-back demeanor to all his posts, whether he’s filming with dots on his face…

…or sneaking into the Thor 3 wig room to record a thank-you video.

And his posts offer a glimpse of the elaborate process required to bring Hulk to life, like the giant green hands he apparently sometimes wears.

His photos also confirm that Hemsworth will rock short hair in the third installment in the trilogy, as was reported from Comic-Con:

All in all, Ruffalo seems to be quite fond of his green alter ego:

He even shared a picture of “Hulk-Daddy” drawn by his daughter Odette:

Meanwhile, Ruffalo’s co-star Tessa Thompson posted a tribute to him on his last day on set:

Now that he’s wrapped, Ruffalo can return to his usual social media brand: anti-fracking posts.

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