Mark Strong's Dr. Sivana scowls through this giddy new Shazam! trailer

It was back in July that we got our first look at DC’s Shazam!, which, alongside Aquaman, looks to signal a lighter, more whimsical future for the studio. The previous trailer for David F. Sandberg’s film made the story of a 14-year old who turns into a super-powered Zachary Levi look like the Big remake we didn’t know we needed, and that clip’s follow-up, which you can check out above, is just as giddy.

That said, it also ups the danger quotient, giving us an extended look at Mark Strong’s Dr. Thaddeus Sivana, who isn’t the tiny, “curses!”-shouting white-coat he was back in the ‘40s. Here, he displays some massive strength of his own, manhandling Levi’s doofy superhero with ease.

Shazam! uppercuts its way into theaters and IMAX on April 5.

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