Mark Wahlberg to make a movie about hackers and tell them to knock it off with the hacking

As prophesied by the prescient 1995 film Hackers, we live in an age ruled by elite Acid Burns and Zero Cools who ruthlessly assert that they are the best. We mess with them, and we die like the rest. They're a shadowy, nebulous threat that to the weak may seem unstoppable, but we're pretty sure that if Mark Wahlberg is there, he can stop all the hacking. So that's just what Wahlberg will do with the as-yet-untitled movie that he's producing for Universal, loosely based on the GQ article "The Hacker Is Watching," in which an anonymous hacker begins terrorizing the students of a suburban high school by accessing their webcams, among other things. Is this hacker using a P6 chip with a PCI bus? Is this just the sort of thing that happens now that RISC architecture has changed everything? Mark Wahlberg will investigate—currently only as a producer, though surely there's also room for him in a supporting role, perhaps as a guy who gets all up in a modem's face.

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