Mark Zuckerberg comes out against fact checking, so Twitter users go full (actual) fake news on him

Mark Zuckerberg comes out against fact checking, so Twitter users go full (actual) fake news on him
Photo: Drew Angerer

Does the truth really not even matter anymore? Apparently not to Mark Zuckerberg. “I don’t think that Facebook or internet platforms in general should be arbiters of truth,” the Facebook overlord said on CNBC’s appropriately titled Squawk Box Thursday. “Political speech is one of the most sensitive parts in a democracy, and people should be able to see what politicians say.” Zuckerberg’s comments came two days after Twitter’s decision to post a notice and link to credible news sources below Donald Trump’s tweets about voting by mail. In a statement given to The Washington Post, Twitter spokesperson Katie Rosborough said the tweets “contain potentially misleading information about voting processes and have been labeled to provide additional context around mail-in ballots.”

Since Zuckerberg seemingly doesn’t mind lies and falsehoods being amplified on social media, Twitter users and satire sites began sharing stories with false claims about him. The Shovel’s reports of his death were greatly exaggerated, while The Chaser made up claims that Zuckerberg is a “child molester.”

Others raked him over the coals without any alternate facts.

Over on Zuckerberg’s baby, users accused him of sex trafficking

The fake Zuckerberg headlines gained traction as Trump signed a new executive order Thursday afternoon that scales back protections intended to shield sites like Facebook and Twitter from responsibility regarding content posted on their platforms. After Twitter posted those warnings below Trumps tweets, the President accused the social media site of “interfering” in the election and “stifling FREE SPEECH.” All that while his tweets still sit there in all their original fear-mongering glory. Glad to know he doesn’t exaggerate or anything.

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