Help, police, murder: Two workers fall into chocolate vat at Mars Wrigley factory

Luckily, the two workers were rescued instead of getting sucked up into a nearby tube

Help, police, murder: Two workers fall into chocolate vat at Mars Wrigley factory
Cinematic recreation of a chocolate factory worker being rescued. Screenshot: Movieclips

In the summer of last year, when the northern hemisphere’s sugary treats were at their stickiest, an accident occurred at Elizabeth, Pennsylvania’s Mars Wrigley factory: Two contract workers fell into a vat of Dove chocolate and were saved after a rescue team arrived to cut them out of their sweet, sweet prison.

Details of the incident have since surfaced and been reported by the BBC, which headlines the story not by pointing out how a serious industrial accident resembles a whimsical scene of child endangerment from a classic film but by pointing out that the factory has been fined $14,500 by the Occupational Safety And Health Administration (OSHA).

The report explains that the contract workers’ chocolatey dilemma required “more than two dozen rescuers” to solve and occurred because the two “were hired to clean tanks, and were not provided with proper safety training.”

The pair fell into a “partly-full” ingredient-mixing tank used to manufacture Dove, not a river of cold, stinking water filled with coffee grounds. They were saved by the rescue team cutting a hole into the bottom of the tank, presumably just after the factory manager ranted about the contamination of his “beautiful chocolate” and stated, “help, police, murder” to those nearby.

Whether Timothée Chalamet was in the vicinity of the factory at the time of the accident is still unknown. But we urge OSHA to investigate this possibility further to see whether a method actor in a big hat was captured on security tapes, capering around the factory and singing strange songs while a crew of green-haired hanger-ons worked out a tune about the importance of proper workplace safety regulations.

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory – Augustus and the Chocolate River Scene (5/10) | Movieclips

[via Boing Boing]

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